8 Rejuvenating Reasons To Get A Chemical Peel

Taking care of our skin is one of the best ways we can treat ourselves, especially in the peak of summer. If you’re looking for an excellent treatment to nourish your skin, why not try a chemical face peel? By exfoliating the outermost layers of our skin, a peel can treat a wide range of skin conditions. Below, we list eight reasons why a chemical peel could be a good option for you!

1. Treat & Prevent Acne

For people with acne-prone skin, a chemical peel is an ideal treatment to consider. By exfoliating the topmost layers of the skin, it successfully unclogs pores and leaves the skin looking fresh and healthy. A face peel is also an excellent solution for treating and diminishing the appearance of acne scarring.

2. Smoother Skin

For those looking for smooth, flawless skin, chemical peels are a wonderful solution to invest in. Peels can help dramatically improve the feel and texture of your skin by removing the outer damaged layers of skin and promoting “cell turnover” so that when the outer layers are removed, your skin will be soft, fresh, and radiant.

3. Reduce The Appearance Of Scarring

Chemical peels are loved not only for their lightening and brightening effect but for their ability to reduce the appearance of scars. Because a peel helps to remove the outer, damaged cell layers on the surface of the skin, your complexion will be rejuvenated, and any signs of mild scarring will be reduced.

4. Decrease Hyperpigmentation

Another beneficial reason to use chemical peels is that they can be used to treat a wide range of pigmentation concerns. From skin concerns that cause discolouration to hyperpigmentation such as blotchy skin, melasma, or aged spots, peels can help to reduce discolouration and promote even, consistent toning.

5. Improve Your Skin’s Ability To Retain Moisture

One of the main causes of premature lines and wrinkles is dull, dry skin. Facial peels can be used to combat this by improving your skin’s ability to retain moisture. To maintain your complexion and promote fresh, supple skin, incorporate peel treatments into your skincare plans once a month.

6. Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Chemical peels are also popular for their incredible anti-aging properties. By breaking down and eradicating dead and sun-damaged skin cells, peels help to stimulate collagen production which boosts our skin’s rejuvenation and diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

7. Glowing Radiant Skin

Chemical peels are also the perfect solution for anyone wanting a glowing, dewy complexion. Because the peel eradicates dead skin cells and boosts collagen production in the body, any sun-damaged or rough skin is peeled away to reveal skin that is dewy, fresh, and radiant.

8. Minimum Downtime!

One of the best parts about chemical peels is that they require minimum downtime! They can even be done during your lunch break. Recovery is quick and the only side effect usually experienced is a little redness for 20 minutes after the treatment, as if you had just come back from a run.

Contact The Skin Department For A Rejuvenating Facial Peel Treatment

If you’re looking for an incredible facial peel in Auckland, explore the range of skin treatment services available at the Skin Department today. We feature a range of PCA peels to suit any skin condition and offer Dermaquest pumpkin peels as well. Contact us to make an appointment and see the rejuvenating results for yourself.


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